Magic: 12
Fist: 13
Club: 131
Sword: 118
Axe: 140
Distance: 10
Shielding: 137
Fishing: 10
When | By |
2/19/2024, 12:57:03 AM | Killed at level 1033 by Scarlett Etzel. |
2/8/2024, 5:52:37 AM | Killed at level 1029 by Rotten Golem (killing blow) and Mould Phantom (most damage). |
2/6/2024, 2:58:16 AM | Killed at level 1015 by Vibrant Phantom (killing blow) and Courage Leech (most damage). |
1/17/2024, 1:43:20 AM | Killed at level 787 by Cloak Of Terror. |
1/17/2024, 1:38:50 AM | Killed at level 788 by Vibrant Phantom (killing blow) and Cloak Of Terror (most damage). |
Outfit | Name | Vocation | Level | Loopz Energizer of the Monkey Sub Abusers | Elder Druid | 1217 | Luck | Master Sorcerer | 792 | Raggz | Elite Knight | 1073 | Scrotes Mcgotes Latrine Specialist of the Monkey Sub Abusers | Royal Paladin | 1102 | Boss Baby | None | 12 |