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Outfit | Name | Vocation | Level | Arckye | Royal Paladin | 411 | Dav | Elite Knight | 370 | Demonvalaris | Elite Knight | 232 | Four Leader of the Feos | Elite Knight | 455 | Galux | Elite Knight | 782 | Godzz | Master Sorcerer | 83 | Ixl Officer of the Insomniacs | Elite Knight | 993 | Lord Fathom | Royal Paladin | 251 | Noovice | Elite Knight | 177 | Three Leader of the Amigos | Elite Knight | 461 | Tres | Elite Knight | 480 | Valaris | Royal Paladin | 549 | Wasabi an Equal of the Anarchists | Royal Paladin | 110 | X X Leader of the Insomniacs | Royal Paladin | 1343 | Zincro | Elite Knight | 505 |