Magic: 12
Fist: 80
Club: 24
Sword: 10
Axe: 134
Distance: 10
Shielding: 127
Fishing: 10
When | By |
2/14/2025, 8:35:44 AM | Killed at level 853 by Candy Horror (killing blow) and Nibblemaw (most damage). |
1/30/2025, 12:45:13 AM | Killed at level 846 by Naga Warrior (killing blow) and Naga Archer (most damage). |
1/27/2025, 5:57:47 PM | Killed at level 843 by Pixie (killing blow) and Dark Faun (most damage). |
1/7/2025, 8:34:15 PM | Killed at level 758 by Nibblemaw. |
1/7/2025, 3:39:25 PM | Killed at level 752 by Squid Warden (killing blow) and Animated Feather (most damage). |
Outfit | Name | Vocation | Level | Ixl Officer of the Insomniacs | Elite Knight | 851 |