Magic: 11
Fist: 15
Club: 10
Sword: 10
Axe: 109
Distance: 10
Shielding: 101
Fishing: 10
When | By |
12/21/2024, 12:50:24 AM | Killed at level 511 by Hellspawn (killing blow) and Hellhound (most damage). |
12/16/2024, 3:36:06 AM | Killed at level 431 by Candy Horror. |
11/29/2024, 3:09:53 AM | Killed at level 380 by Burster Spectre (killing blow) and Ripper Spectre (most damage). |
11/28/2024, 9:52:21 PM | Killed at level 380 by Mister Catkiller (killing blow) and Gunzzy (most damage). |
11/26/2024, 4:39:32 AM | Killed at level 353 by Midnight Asura (killing blow) and Gunzzy (most damage). |
Outfit | Name | Vocation | Level | Gunzzy Certified Pounder of the Torta Hunters (Comal) | Elite Knight | 570 | Elver Galarga Lil Perrito of the Torta Hunters (Honey Pack) | Master Sorcerer | 460 | Whats It To Ya Lil Perrito of the Torta Hunters | Royal Paladin | 409 | El Chaka Lil Perrito of the Torta Hunters | Elder Druid | 428 |